Saturday, May 25, 2024

Slow Leaning Tree on House

The customer called me one day after this tree was on his house. He told me the previous day this tree slowly began to lean toward his house. It was only within a couple hours it went from standing upright, to leaning fully on the house. The roots were slightly decayed, so when the new spring leaf growth began to get heavy, this tree just pulled right over. 

It was a simply removal. Just one branch at a time and we safely got the entire tree on the ground without damaging the house.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Two Big Redwood Trees

This week we removed a couple big redwood trees. There was a pretty good north wind, so a number of the branches I had to take extra care to keep them from falling on the nearby building. Also, this trees appear to never have had irrigation, so when grinding the roots, they were super deep.  But altogether a safe and complete job.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chainlink v. Oak Tree

Many times I have seen chainlink fences growing in a tree. But never to this extent. This tree is definitely a 50/50 on the property line! It never ceases to amaze me the wonder of trees and how they can adapt in their environment. We as people are always moving. We forget, that trees like this that are 50+ years old, have never left this location. 

Slow Leaning Tree on House

The customer called me one day after this tree was on his house. He told me the previous day this tree slowly began to lean toward his house...